Auckland City.


Auckland is not the capital of New Zealand, however it still holds the majority of the population here. Within the first few months of our journey we found ourselves swallowed back into Auckland time and time again.

Auckland covers a large range of land, from the city that has “no soul” to the dramatic beaches and landscape on the west coast and even offshore islands like Waiheke. 


Our first two weeks in Auckland were spent at a HelpX where we met an amazing French couple, Noemie and Francois. One of my favorite parts and the hardest part about traveling are the connections you will make.

You grow close to fellow travelers as you are so likeminded.

Within those two weeks I experienced many emotions, and the whole experience felt like months. 

For myself, I was digesting many feelings and thoughts. I found myself back in the country that I longed to return to. I was still reconciling with my decisions, even the most sure things intuitively are not the easiest. One thing for sure I have learned about myself, is that this is a journey that grows you more into who you are and what you are feeling. So even if you do not want to focus on a part of you that once was, it will find you. 


Within the adjusting, or non adjusting, when you find small comforts that remind you of home, something inside lights up. For Michael and I, this would be coffee shops and vegan cuisine! In Auckland we found Lord of the Fries, Sunflower Thai Cafe and Hell Pizza. These had very (non the healthiest) but comforting vegan foods! So, with feelings adjusting, we discovered these goodies. 

If you wonder what HelpX is, it’s an awesome (sometimes) system where you can exchange your time helping a family, farm, individual etc. for accommodation and food. I highly recommend the experience. You truly live like a local, and feel part of a new family or community. You agree on the length of time you will stay with them as well, which makes it nice. Also, you can always leave if it does not suit you! As a traveler this helps with your budget immensely. Also another tip, read reviews and if they don’t have reviews - ask questions and clarify! 

Within our time in Auckland the connection to our fellow HelpXers made the time worthwhile for sure!

My duties were looking over two young girls, who are very sweet and creative. I couldn’t express enough how much it meant to have them around during the two weeks of adjusting. From coloring to singing or just playing, children are incredible. They are present and live in the moment, this is what I needed. 

The Universe is divine. 


During my stay in Auckland at the HelpX I was able to do a GKHair Keratin treatment on the lovely host!  Here are the before and afters. Her hair was keen on frizz and kinks. The results were amazing, and still 3 months later going strong!






Michael and I left Auckland and took a 2 week trip to another HelpX out of the city. This was much needed. Refreshed and immersed into more landscape and the beauty of New Zealand. We headed to Central NZ, Taupo and Rotorua area. 
